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So sad la. You keep inserting 'brother front brother back' and now I got treated like this? 2 person who live nearby my place, you can fetch. Then, I ask you why, your reason for me is no time? Aih, what else can i say?

Through this, I can see that my position in your mind/heart/anything is totally not significant at all. Not even a message, not even a call and you can tell me the reason is RUSH.

I was so goddamn bored dead at home. Hoping to escape the boredom. The reason you gave me is rush. But the question is, how long do i always take to answer on or off. Do I need 2 or 3 hours? I can answer right in your face whether on or off the nanosecond after you asked me. So the reason of being RUSHing is really very absurd to me.

I am not putting the blame on anyone. This incident just proves to me that my position in this circle is so low. Even someone whom you just met 1day, you can ask him/her to hang out. But me? Not even a notification.

I don't even know whether I want him/her to read this post or not. So, if he/she reads, then contact me? Or just leave it? If didn't read, then just let it be.



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