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Come one, come all.
Come see me standing miserably at Samsung counter in Maxis Centre at Sunway Pyramid.

Sunway Pyramid Maxis Centre
Sounds pretty happy huh...

Working days: 3 days 1 week down, 12 days 3 more weeks to go. Quite happy there. Met nice people and nice colleagues. Heard many gossips too. teehee~

handsome Samsung Galaxy Tab promoter =)

For more info about the Samsung Galaxy Tab, click here, here and here.

There are these 2 girls and 1 boy working for the Maxis PayPal thingy. Sometimes when got time or sien sien dei, went to their booth and kacau all 3 of'em.

This guy, asked him what's his name.. Always reply me, Chow sing Chee lar, Stephen Chow la... Chow Yun Fatt la. omfg!!! gik sei. At last on his last day, he finally told. Rupanyer the name have 90% resemblance to chow sing chi's name. Patut la he always say so. =.=""

Then these 2 girls also very weird. 1, always MIA. Toilet dunno do what(i think). Another selalu there lan lan ci ci me. =( haihz.

But at their last day, at least also they are good people. XD

There is also another 2 girls who just sit at the gift wrapping booth all day doing nothing. So senagn lar their job. Sit there only and get paid. Envious-nyerrr...

Thats all.
needa wakey wakey at 8 to go to Samsung Malaysia Electronics (SME) Sdn Bhd for my product training.




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