I got this post from a friend. Asked for permission to repost here. Luckily its not copyrighted so i won't get my ass sued doing this. xD
Ok! straight to the point.
How would you feel when you asked someone a question and they say
Hmm, that person is being sarcastic?
Then do you get frustrated for not getting a proper answer?
Get fed up ?
Or bored of getting the same'ol answer each and everytime?
This happens 99.9% of the times to among all of us when the whole gang of friends are 'deciding' on what to do NEXT.
1. Friends: Oi, wanna do what now? Very boring lehhhh...
Major answers: dunno~
2. Friends: Wei, hungry lah, wanna eat what? Go mamak ah? Steven's corner? Oldtown yumcha?
Major answers: Duno lahhhhhhhhhhh
(My friends would know this kind of situation, it happen always)
3. Teacher: Define LOVE or give me the definition of moral value "toleransi".
Major answers: Tak tau la or mana saya tau ohhhhhh
4. You: Hey, can you(a friend of yours) teach me how to prove this trigonometric
Friend: Har? This one ah? I duno how to do worhhh(with a fkin sarcastic face and book worm look)
5. Parents: What is your ambition?
Major answers: Hmm, engineer loh...see lorh, maybe can do medicine also lehhhh.... AIYA~! SO FAN, DUNNO LAH!
I also do not know why suddenly i got the urge to post bout this I DO NOT KNOW thingy, haha
Please, if you really know the answers/wanna give any opinion, just give the damn STATEMENT(S)...LMAO
If you're reading this and you feel that the criteria fits YOU a lot, please be considerate and don't keep using this phrase if you don't really need it. Yes, I know that you are afraid of making any decisions. You are afraid that once you've made a wrong decision, everyone will blame you for it. You are afraid that you will choose a decision that will make someone(s) beh song or anything.You're AFRAID!
That is the problem. There is nothig to be afraid of. So just chill!
Here what i wanna tell is, it is not a DECISION. Its a SUGGESTION. One is free to make any suggestion. And when majority agrees on that SUGGESTION then, and then only that particular SUGGESTION will become DECISION.
There is a difference. Please try to differentiate it well. The differentiation chapter in Additional Mathematics is a whole lot harder than this. Why you can master or partially master the subject, but cannot even grab a hold of this concept? Have you ever asked yourself this question? Maybe when you're doing it, you cannot see it. But people around you can notice that. 当局者迷,旁观者清. This proverb brings the meaning; The person on the spot is baffled, the onlooker sees more of the game.
P/S: I am not targetting anyone. Please do not misunderstand my post. I am saying this in general. Everyone will do it. Conscious or sub-consciously. Even I, sometimes do it. So PLEASE do not misunderstand my meaning. I hereby apologize in advanced for any offence that i may have made. Thank you.
Black Panther 2
2 years ago