What a rough week i had since Friday. Oh my goodness. One by one a random those mishap fall upon me. *inhales... exhales... inhales... exhales...* never mind i take it as a chance to increase the immune system of my body. *(pats on own shoulder) there... there...* see, i'm ok and fine with it. yay... -.- wanna know what happened?? Here's some highlights of what happened since last friday.
8/10 FRIDAY - Started the day by waking up exceptionally early(11.30am) for my brunch. Went to Ampang Yong Tau Fu with lil' brother and a bitch named ccc. Ordered quite a lot but luckily managed to finished the whole 20 + 5pieces of ytf.
din even notice this picture was taken |
Inside p1, its so nice and cool and EMPTY. The room for customer service and technical assistance is HUUUUUGE!!! Well, being the usual me, I explore the place. I found a dispenser at the corner of the room. Wanna try the coffee, but it came out all white and goo-ey stuff. YUCK~! Then the chao pan pressed the milo button. It came out hot water-ish colour and a wee lil bit of milo smell. Thats his milo. Thats it. We're fed up and went straight to the real water dispenser which dispenses real hot/cold plain water.
Later comes to the part where an idiot customer service agent given a name, Krishna served us. That mothe...fuc..er..son of a bit... A total loser. Whore-assed pure 100% loser. He said that to terminate the account have to pay dunno what crap 3 payment + penalty fee which is 99x3 + 299. We said go
Went back home, lepaked, game-ed. Around 9 ajaked ccc pm, but he say he gaming. I was already on the way, so went to ccc's place and wait him. Ended up 9.35 only went pm. Bought fried icecream and CHOW TAUFU~!!! Aweezuuummmmmm..... Lepas makan, went mamaking yumcha with the usual peeps or so thats what i thought. Mana tau, reach only see 3 ma lat lou there. The twins and waikit. Aiya, dont care la. 5 ppl mai 5 ppl lar. Also can yc mar. I was right and we blew water there till 12.30 only left.
to be continued...